Thanks for your interest in my work and taking the time to make comments.

60 responses to “Amyah Foster”

  1. Michael Somerville says:

    I think this video was excellent. Amyah is eloquent and persuasive. Great job!

  2. Brandy Bounds says:

    She is very confident and passionate about this topic. Miss Amyah’s essay is clear and concise, while providing strong evidence provides! She is going places and I am proud to be her mom!! Let’s win Amyah!!!

  3. Stacee Dorsey says:

    Awesome job Amyah!

  4. Jerome Daniels says:

    Is a Phenomenon, God fearing young teenager, with such a Great Personality. Awesome young teen who gets along with all ethnicity of people, she will be anything in Life that she wants to be with her work ethic and ambition to better her self. I Vote for Amyah. I wish her All the Blessings that Life will offer her during her new and future endeavors to come.

  5. Ygenia Johnson Bounds says:

    Great job, very poised, well spoken and an exceptional and strong message. Granny loves your spunk and thesnassity! Good luck, ?, we love ? u.

  6. Tyra Turner says:

    Absolutely amazing! Kudos to you Amyah.

  7. “Gigi” says:

    Wow! What a powerful intense message spoken with passion and conviction. I am compelled and inspired to stand up for change in the environment of racism in the workplace as so eloquently addressed by Amaya. ?? ??

  8. Ygenia Johnson Bounds says:

    Exceptional job! So very proud ? of you.. ? granny!

  9. Victoria says:

    Wow, Amyah! Great job, God is using you, I see boldness and much courage as your voice is heard for a greater purpose! Stay blessed!!!

  10. Shirley J Fields says:

    Great job

  11. Shirley J Fields says:

    Exceptional great, she will go a long way in life.

  12. Ms. Dana says:

    Right on. God bless you!

  13. Raquel barekzai says:

    Well done Amyah!

  14. shari giddings says:

    I have witnessed this beautiful and bright young lady pave the way..Amen

  15. Debra Simpson says:

    Fantastic job! She’s very passionate about this topic ! This is very important to her and many other people of color . A child shall lead them!
    Thank you Amyah for a job well done .!!
    Sweet Mama

  16. Cindy Carrington says:

    Amyah, Your essay topic is so important and your research was impeccably communicated. Great Job !???

  17. Trenice Woodland says:

    Simply amazing. Great job. Keep up the good work.

  18. Shavon Dockery says:

    Amyah, With out a doubt your passion for this topic shines through✊?. My heart is still racing…! Amazing as always. We are so very proud of you and the young lady you are becoming.

    ~Cousin Shavon & family ????

  19. Rashidah Denton says:

    Said with all the conviction and summed up well. I would love to share this with co-workers for the next diversity discussion.

  20. Michael Veale says:

    Way to go Amyah!! You have done another amazing speech on such an important topic. So proud of you!

  21. Keon says:

    Great job Amyah! Keep it up


    All that passion… Great job young lady

  23. Tracell Jones says:

    Great job Amyah!!!! So proud of you and the young lady you have become! Continue to use your voice as a beacon of hope and motivation to other young ladies who look like you and that don’t. Keep it up!

  24. Meka Gause says:

    Good well done! I felt the passion behind every word. The way Amyah is using her voice to spread the word on a topic many would not touch is absolutely amazing and her mother should be proud of how she delivered this message.

    Meka G

  25. Billy Bounds says:

    My granddaughter did awesome!!

  26. Lula Williams says:

    Amyah has a bright amazing future awaiting to be embraced. This is just the beginning of her foot prints to an exciting new journey filled with challenges and great rewards. We are,proud of you Amyah!, All the best. Miss Lula

  27. Jessie Grosshart says:

    Excellent work again this year Amyah! It has been great watching you grow as a speaker over the past three years. You did an excellent job mixing passion with hard evidence and a clear claim. Don’t let anyone stifle your voice! I know you will do great things!

  28. Auntie Eb says:

    Good Job Princess!!! I’m so proud of you!!! Love you always, Auntie!

  29. Ygenia Johnson Bounds says:

    As always your convictions and steadfast to what you believe shine through over and over. God bless you with a strong and convincing voice with your beliefs. I pray that you stay on the road that others may see the shining light within you. I love the young lady that you’ve become. God speed, my love. Granny

  30. KATINA D JONES says:

    Awesome job !!!! Keep up tha good work love ??

  31. Dr. Rollia Oliver says:

    What a passionate presentation of facts about a reality that weighs down so many of us. You used references strategically and were quite persuasive!

  32. Dr. Rollia Oliver says:

    Amaya, your passionate presentation of facts about a reality that weighs down so many of us is inspiring that students like you are being groomed to turn the page on racism I the future. You used references strategically and were quite persuasive!

  33. Jeanne Hairston says:

    GREAT JOB! ?? It is with great pleasure to see our youth put forth the effort and time to research and present this information!

  34. Paul Brown says:

    Great job Amaya keep doing what you are doing . I see you doing greater things in years to come.

  35. Samecia Broussard says:

    Eloquently and compellingly orated! I pray all heed the call.

  36. Shelley Anderson says:

    That was such a powerful and well-written essay! I am beyond proud of you and everything that you have accomplished this year! I can’t wait to see everything you do to change our world for the better.

    Your Principal!
    S Anderson

  37. Kiera Small says:

    Goooo amyah

  38. Lucy Hall says:

    An excellent presentation and so very true. Your presentation shows that you had done your research and that you feel passionate about the subject matter. You have a very good speaking voice and a very good delivery. Keep up the good work and your future endeavors will help change society for the better by helping to eliminate racism in the workplace and beyond..

  39. Brandy Bounds says:

    Great job Amyah!

  40. Jamal Minor says:

    Absolutely amazing! She’s changing HERstory! Continue to shine and let your voice be heard. You got it!!!

  41. Julia Campbell says:

    Wow……Very articulant young lady. You are informing the people. You have done your research. You have assumed your authority and you are compelling others to listen. Very impressive!!! Keep going!!!! Awesome job!

  42. Andrea Jones says:

    Great job very descriptive and detailed love it keep up the good work

  43. Devon Berry says:

    Great job Babygirl!!!

  44. Christina Brown says:

    I have always been so proud of you & always will be! Love ya girl! -Ms. Brown

  45. Shani Gaylord, MBA says:

    So so so proud of you, Princess! Keep being AWESOME 🙂

  46. Josephine Gallmon says:

    Awesome job young lady. So godly proud of you.

  47. Doretha Thompson says:

    Seeet p. Wow I’m so proud of you. And most of all that you learning about racism in the work play. Keep up the good work and you will succeed. Love you so much . Aunt Doretha.

  48. K Rhodes says:

    Awesome speech loved it Amaya !!!!

  49. Michael Frasier says:

    I listened to all the contestants and I feel Amyah Foster did a great job. I voted for Amyah as being the best speech. Great job young lady!

  50. LaVette LaGon says:

    Great job, Amyah! Very powerful performance!

  51. Ygenia Johnson Bounds says:

    Such a touching and powerful message, especially at this time. ? and ?. Granny.

  52. Billy Bounds says:

    So much passion and conviction. Powerful, we love you. Papa!

  53. Stephanie Frasier says:

    Awesome job Amyah!! Your speech was so incredible and not to mention you said it with confidence and with pride. Listening to your speech was an honor and wanting to hear more. Keep it up and continue to speak what you believe in and what’s right. Thank you for all the knowledge and encouragement to do better. I’m so proud of you!

  54. M. Gray says:

    Amayah, I thoroughly enjoyed your essay on racism. Your delivery was so engaging! You are a very effective speaker with much passion. I found your comments regarding racism especially intriguing and on point. Thank you for addressing and being transparent about the issue of racism!

  55. Dr. D. Jackson says:


    Awesome work!

  56. MHunter says:

    Awesome job!! Keep up the great work!

  57. Eartha Page says:

    Awesome! Young lady.! You delivered a great essay and spoke so well.

  58. Sarafina Allen says:

    So much passion! You did such an amazing job. I am going to be sure to share this with my niece who is also very passionate about speaking out about racism.

    Thank you!

  59. Nyasha Rusununguko says:

    Amyah!!! We are so proud of you here at Higher Achievement. Congratulations on this amazing piece! We know you have been working hard.

  60. Breylon Smith says:

    Amyah!! Thanks so much for being such an excellent and powerful voice for yourself, your generation, and for Higher Achievement. I’m so proud of the young person you are and who you are to become!

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