Thanks for your interest in my work and taking the time to make comments.

10 responses to “Brizel Martinez-Cruz”

  1. Martha says:

    Es un tema muy importante para todas las personas, ya que esto está pasando en el mundo entero.

  2. Blanca says:

    Brizel martinez una niña que le gusta el estudio

  3. Mía says:

    Amazing job ! This young lady can be an amazing activist or governor. She shines lights on topics that aren’t often talked about.

  4. Kelly says:

    Wonderful! If she doesn’t win, she is number 1 for me. The passion and incredible evidence has convinced me to search the warning signs of teen suicide. In the future I can picture her being an activist or being a public speaker to inform and persuade others.

  5. Jessie Grosshart says:

    Way to go, Brizel! Your hard work really shows in your speech. I am so proud of you for trying something new with a video speech this year, you did an excellent job and it is clear that you practiced and were well prepared for your final recording.

  6. Marina Nolasco says:

    Eres una niña muy linda tu discurso esta super bueno ? ? me encanta

  7. Shelley Anderson says:

    Wow! That was so powerful and so relevant! Thank you for shining a light on such an important topic. I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments. I hope that you will continue to visit us at Meridian to share your journey through high school and college. We can’t wait to see all of the amazing things that you are going to achieve!

    Sincerely Your Principal,

    S Anderson

  8. Ally C. says:

    Gracias Brizel por compartir tu opinion acerca de un tema tan importante. Esperamos que puedas continuar apoyando y ayudando a muchas mas personas con tu sincero testimonio.
    Thank you Brizel for sharing your opinion about such an important subjeto. We wish that you can continue supporting many other people thanks to your sincere testimony.

  9. Silvia G says:

    Este es un tema muy importante…gracias por escribir acerca de el.

  10. Kaliah says:

    Perfect! You left me speechless. You would make an amazing activist or mayor for those places were teen suicide rates are rising.

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