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8 responses to “Gianna Matthews”

  1. Krystal says:

    A Beautiful girl with a great attitude with so much ambition and goals she achieves.

  2. Tanielle Parker says:

    Excellent paper! Well written with such a thought provoking topic. Bravo!

  3. Nicky Nicole says:

    Such an amazing soul for such a little girl. I’m so proud to say I know her.

  4. Jessie Grosshart says:

    Good job, Gianna! This is such an important topic and you really shine a thoughtful light on it. Keep fighting for equal education!

  5. Lorna Dill says:

    Way to go Gianna!

  6. Mostafa Foda says:

    Excellent work Gianna! You are a natural in writing.

  7. Nayamka Long says:

    Thank you for writing on Equal Education, a very important topic. You have clearly articulated why this approach to denying a quality education to some needs to be addressed. I want to encourage you to keep using your voice to be an advocate for those who often go unnoticed. Well done Gianna! We are grateful to have you in our community!

  8. Nina Abelson says:

    Gianna, Your empathy, intelligence and wisdom shine! This essay gave a wonderful voice for education equality, and it was written so eloquently. We’re so proud to have students like you leading the way!! — Ms. A

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