dreamstime m 161315883
Gender Equality
Grade 6

Women’s Inequality

Hey! My name is Amyah, I am in the 6th grade. I attend Achievement Prep. I am an honor roll student. When I get older I don’t want to worry about my future getting compromised because of a pay gap! I want to be a doctor and don’t want to be discriminated against because of […]

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School Safety
Grade 6

Going Too Far with School Safety

Imagine walking into a school. As you walk in you see a security guard. Now imagine that the security guard is holding a military rifle. This has been happening in some schools across the country. If this were happening in my school, I would feel extremely uncomfortable and scared. If for some reason a security […]

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dreamstime m 58121525
Grade 6

Let’s Take Down Bullying!

How would you feel if someone yells “Four-eyes!” in your face, or trips you making you drop all your stuff? I’m guessing mad. Yeah, I understand. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re about to explode with anger! I was once bullied because I was short and nerdy (and I still am!). Trust […]

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International Cultures and Issues
Grade 6

Russia Bans Foreign Adoption

On January 1st, 2012 Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, signed through the Russian Parliament a law that stated that people foreign to Russia were no longer allowed to adopt Russian children. No one knows the real reason why the Russian Parliament made this decision; some people think it was related to the international relations, […]

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LGBTQ Rights
Grade 6

We Should Stand Up for Gay Marriage

Imagine if the state or country you lived in would not allow you to marry someone you wanted to marry. Gay couples do not get the same rights as other couples and face discrimination in some societies. I think gay couples should receive the same rights as other couples. Many churches oppose gay marriage because […]

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video controller
Video Games
Grade 6

Video Games: The Good, the Bad, and the Violent

There have been a number of terrible shooting incidents recently with young people being the perpetrator. Much of the discussion after these shootings has centered on whether playing violent video games makes kids more violent and more likely to hurt people. While there are many people who blame video games for violence, most kids who […]

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social networking icons
Pop Culture
Grade 6

Social Networking Generation

845 million. That’s how many active Facebook users there are currently around the world. It has more users than the population of the United States and Britain combined! I have to admit; my family and I are part of that “nation” of Facebook. Almost every country uses it, and that means that the Facebook “nation” […]

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Grade 6

The Courage of Military Families

BOOM!!! went the gun that almost killed my dad in Afghanistan. People may not realize how many military people risk their lives every day. Military people go into war to protect you and your family. They know they might get shot, lose their limbs, die or have mental issues as a result of war. My […]

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single parent
Grade 6

Single Parent Families

My mother is a single parent and my sister, mom and I all live together. Even though my mom is alone with the two of us, she finds a way to provide us with the things we need at the end of the day. She works later hours sometimes at night. On nights like that […]

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cyber bullying
Grade 6

Cyber Bullying

For now my parents monitor my computer usage but soon I will be old enough to have my own Facebook and YouTube accounts. Many of my friends already have their own. Although it’s cool to read updates and see new things, I know that bullying online is a real problem. From my research, no school […]

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