Thanks for your interest in my work and taking the time to make comments.

4 responses to “Henry Barrett”

  1. Jessie Grosshart says:

    Great job, Henry! I am so proud of the work you put in week after week and it really shows in the research that you have in your final product.

  2. Dennis Barrett says:

    I thought that your organization of your paper was well
    Put together and thoughtful. Your use of references to support your thoughts helped your argument against cyber bullying. Nice work!

  3. Aunt Mary Weppner says:

    Great job Henry!

  4. Elizabeth Takacs says:

    Wow, you took what was already a solid essay and made it even stronger. I am so proud of the hard work you dedicated to One World and your essay. Your evidence is very strong– I especially like the comparison you make to cyberbullying incidents today versus a few years ago. Overall, you make such a compelling argument on such an important topic. .Well done, Henry! You should feel very proud!
    Ms. Takacs

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