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5 responses to “Leila Seikaly”

  1. Nayla says:

    Excellent speech Leila, apart of the physical and mental advantages of recess, it gives the children a glimpse of the freedom they should fight for as adults

  2. Jessie Grosshart says:

    Way to go, Leila! You made a strong argument for the importance of rest and breaks. I know it made me think about what is best for me working from home, very convincing!

  3. Elizabeth Takacs says:

    What a wonderful speech! It was already so strong and now you’ve made it even stronger. Your opening anecdote is very compelling and sets your argument up perfectly. Well done!
    Ms. Takacs

  4. Elizabeth Chinn says:

    Great presentation! We all need to take breaks and it’s especially important for children. Wonderful perspective from a young person.

  5. Charlotte M Gradie says:

    Excellent work on your speech! Your argument was strong because you provided examples as well as comments from authorities on the subject to support your claims. Your use of language and grammar was excellent. You presentation got better as you went along and you really put yourself into it. It made me want to listen. I hope you make more speeches in the future!

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