Investments Accelerate Learning

Last month’s newsletter highlighted One World’s expansion to serve 38 Washington, DC schools. This month, we highlight the largest investors driving One World’s impact. Thank you for supporting our students and teachers.


One World Returns to UNCF

Thanks to UNCF’s continuous support and partnership, the One World Academy is being hosted there again this year. Drew, our Student Success Manager, kicked off the night with fun games and an introduction to the One World program.

In the weeks ahead, students will be writing, revising, and preparing their final presentations for the One World Challenge on December 16th. Get your tickets today.

Featured Student Writing

As a fifth-grader, Washington Latin PCS student Nadia Wong experienced racist comments from her classmates. They told her to go back to China and whispered that she ate cats and dogs. When it came time to raise her voice with One World, Nadia explored how increasing pride in one’s culture could make a difference. Nadia hopes that all schools work to address the roots of racist stereotypes so students can feel they belong at their school and get the education they deserve. Read more here.