Thanks for your interest in my work and taking the time to make comments.

8 responses to “Rocio Cruz”

  1. Fernanda Reyes Funes says:

    I know Fernanda Reyes Funes as an active person in her church. She is smart and articulate.

  2. Edson C Sargeant says:

    Beautiful, smart, intelligent.

  3. Jessie Grosshart says:

    Excellent work, Rocio! I am so proud of the work that you put in week after week and it really shows in your final writing. It was a joy to work with you and I am excited to see what you do next! Don’t let anyone stifle your voice!

  4. Aashish Parekh says:

    Great job on your writing. I’m really impressed by your arguments. I hope you are well, Rocio!

  5. Marcia Sexton says:

    This is an important topic and you did an excellent job in promoting your point of view. Continue to work towards this goal of not allowing cell phones in class or school.

  6. Kimberly Brown says:

    So proud of you Rocio! I remember how hard you worked in kindergarten and you’ve grown up so much! Love, Ms. Kimberly

  7. Jan Wheeler says:

    Smart, well written, makes a strong point. Congratulations!!

  8. Elizabeth Takacs says:

    Wow! You have really grown as a writer. It’s clear you are passionate about your topic and your voice really shines through. Well done, Rocio!

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