gender discrimination 1
Gender Equality
Grade 8

Gender Bias

“Gender bias does worldwide damage… It’s at the core of social customs that keep women down.”, Melinda Gates. Gender bias is mostly found in cultural education and the economy. Not only does it oppress our women but also our men. People should pay attention and speak out about gender bias in social and cultural factors […]

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Grade 8

Vaccine Mandates

Did you know that the CDC estimated that 732,000 American children were saved from death between 1994 & 2014 due to vaccination? There have been many times where I have come into contact with people that had COVID, but I have never gotten it due to the precautions I have taken, including vaccination. This is […]

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domestic violence 2
Domestic and Sexual Violence
Grade 8

Domestic Violence

It was a nice night; very dark outside and a very beautiful sky filled with stars. But inside the walls of one house things weren’t as nice as they seemed. SLAP, every second, SLAP was heard, and sadly she was already used to this type of behavior. Domestic violence is a problem and the number […]

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coronavirus schools 1
Grade 8


Imagine on Friday the thirteenth you just found out that your usual 2-day weekend had been extended to three days then you slowly watched as those “3 days” turned into 585 days. Crazy right?! Now imagine if I told you that you’ve been through this before. March 13th 2020 the country was called into a […]

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school racism scaled
Grade 8

Racism in Urban Education

Most of us recognize and stand solidly against overt expressions of racism, such as racial slurs, brutality, cross-burnings by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and various practices of blatant racial segregation and discrimination; however, overt racism is just the tip of the iceberg. There is the other racism that has concealed itself in the fabric […]

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Justice System
Grade 8

Sex Trafficking

“Slavery is not a horror confined to the past; it continues to exist throughout the world, even in developed countries… Across the world slaves work and sweat and build and suffer.”, Kevin Bales, author and modern abolitionist. With that being said people who are sex trafficked are enslaved. This should be a big topic, but […]

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Domestic and Sexual Violence
Grade 8

Sexism and Sexual Assault

When you look at the news or social media, do you ever see reports on women or young ladies being kidnapped or even being sexually harassed, to the point where they can be raped? Being a witness to harassment on social media has made me feel awful and disgusted, it’s not something you joke about. […]

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Grade 8

Dress Codes

According to, Americans spend around $1 billion per year on uniforms. That’s a lot of money for something which won’t even fit you next year. I was at school once when I witnessed an unfair dress code with my own eyes. There was a girl with a crop top which wasn’t showing anything. She […]

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rape 1
Domestic and Sexual Violence
Grade 8

Sexual Assault

Imagine that you’re on your way home from work. You hop on the Metro and take your seat. Not long after, you see this man start harassing a woman next to him. It continues for a long time until he sexually assaults her. What do you do? Would you help the woman or stay seated […]

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Justice System
Grade 8

Qualified Immunity

Did you know qualified immunity shields police officers from getting sued by victims or their families? Qualified immunity should be banned in every state. It protects police officers who overuse their power. Victims of police brutality deserve justice and banning qualified immunity will ensure equity between citizens and police. Qualified immunity was introduced in 1967. […]

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campus sexual assault 1
Domestic and Sexual Violence
Grade 8

Sexism and Sexual Assault

In this world, women go through a lot especially when it comes to sexual assault and harassment.  People fear having their daughter or any female loved one go out by themselves because of what’s going on in the world when it comes to women, they also go through other stuff like being stereotyped. Women are […]

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