The One World Difference
Watch this two-minute video and learn all about what One World Education does for teachers and students, and hear from students about how this work has a profound impact on their lives.
Read MoreWatch this two-minute video and learn all about what One World Education does for teachers and students, and hear from students about how this work has a profound impact on their lives.
Read MoreOne World students shined with stunning performances at the One World G8 Challenge on Thursday night at MLK Library. The students demonstrated the research, writing, and speaking skills, and a passion for learning, that will serve them well in high school, college, and life. Students presented about vaccine mandates, police receiving qualified immunity, racism in […]
Read MoreDC teacher Audra Polk has worked with students at the One World Academy for the last three years and taught in DC public schools for 11 years. She learned about One World from a friend and was impressed both with how it promoted students’ voice and how it taught students research skills.
Read MoreIn the fall of 2021, One World launched a multi-year Pandemic Rebuilding Plan with three goals to accomplish over the next three years. 1. Improve and Expand In-School K12 Partnerships Our goal is to increase the number of students we serve by 50% by 2024. To accomplish this goal, we’re building new digital platforms for […]
Read MoreWhy We’re Raising 100K in 100 Days The pandemic has set back learning for many DC students, especially at-risk middle school students, who have lost 6-12 months of academic progress. In response, One World is launching a multiyear pandemic rebuilding plan featuring a new One World Academy — a powerful afterschool program for high-potential yet […]
Read MoreHow engaged were One World students during the pandemic? Watch to find out for yourself. We’ve never been so proud of a group of students!
Read MoreRead the riveting account of how one young woman found her voice while participating in the One World Program. Was she one of the winners of this year’s citywide One World Challenge? Read the story and find out!
Read MoreHere is an abbreviated version of the joyous April 21, 2021 celebration. Note: Not all award winners are shown.
Read MoreStudents produced stellar speeches. Parents, friends, and family provided steady and sometimes spectacular support. One World’s Teacher Leader Team went far beyond the call of duty. Community leaders cheered us on and judged student work. One World’s learning community has now proven itself to be more powerful than a pandemic!!!! With no further ado, the 2021 […]
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