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Grade 8

Stop Climate Change

The effects of climate change will cause destruction and danger all across the world. The earth is about 317 million square feet (Coffey). That’s all. That’s all the land, water, and resources we have. So why destroy it? Why become dependent on things like oil and coal that kill our planet? Over the course of […]

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Grade 9

Carbon Emissions: The World is in Danger

The Earth’s climate is changing and it can be very detrimental to life across the globe. It not only harms us, but it is also primarily caused by our actions. I care about the well-being of the Earth’s environment because I care about future generations of humans. I want future generations of my family to […]

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Grade 7

Green Vehicles

As I walked my dogs down the street, a low humming noise emerged from around the corner. As I glanced behind me I saw a modern Toyota Prius turn down the street and drive away. The silent car was gone.  As a hybrid, that Prius was running on battery electricity and that’s why it was […]

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Grade 10

Corporate Pollution

Have you ever passed a body of water and seen disgusting trash floating on top of it?  Was the water a repulsive brown sludge because of excessive amounts of sewage in it? If you haven’t experienced this, I have. I am on the crew team for my school. We experience the atrocious sewage and trash […]

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Grade 7

Deforestation in the Amazon

We rode a small boat on that scorching day with an even smaller motor. The cool water sprayed my face as we passed scenery like I had never seen before. The forest played with my senses as our boat’s passengers marveled at the exotic life surrounding us. We passed villages, birds and trees that seemed […]

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