Grade 6

Preventing Trauma From School Lockdown Drills

A 7-year-old girl had a lockdown drill because of a potential bomb threat. When she got home, everything seemed fine until she was changing out of her school uniform, and her mom noticed that she had written “Love Mom and Dad” on her arm. When asked, she said it was in case the “bad guy” […]

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Mental Health
Grade 5

Addressing Youth Suicide

Have you ever heard something on the news about a middle schooler committing suicide? As of 2022, the rate had doubled in the past ten years. One cause could be middle school administrators’ negligence in understanding students’ mental health issues. Middle school administrators could solve middle school’s influence on suicide rates by implementing a task […]

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Mental Health
Grade 7

Expanding Access to Mental Health Care

According to Turnbridge, a provider of mental health and diagnosis treatment programs, “In the United States, over half (54 percent) of adults do not receive treatment for their mental illness.” Untreated mental illness can lead to unemployment, homelessness, suicide, unnecessary disability, and poor quality of life. Unfortunately, there is currently a shortage of mental health […]

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Mental Health
Grade 7

Improving Student Mental Health

What if someone told you that your child was suffering from a mental health disorder? How would it feel knowing that children and teens are suffering every day simply because they did not have proper emotional support? A mental health crisis is impacting millions of young people today, such as depression, anxiety, and behavioral disorders. […]

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Grade 5

Supporting the Mental Health of Homeless Youth

“I’m hungry, I’m cold, and I have nowhere to rest my head comfortably before school,” said any homeless kid in our nation’s capital. Unfortunately, kids in the United States aren’t going to receive a quality education. Instead, they cannot focus on school because they are thinking about their next home or meal. Because students can’t […]

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Mental Health
Grade 9

Mental Illness Stigmas in Teens

When I was younger, I always wondered why people struggle with mental health despite there being so many available resources. I’m growing up in a time where people are pretty open. They’ll talk to others about a mental illness they have struggled with, casually mention seeing a therapist, or say they had a mental breakdown […]

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Mental Health
Grade 7

The Way Quarantine Affected Kids

Did you know that kids have shown more restlessness, irritability, anxiety, and clinginess since Covid-19 started? In 2020, when schools shut down, kids lost social skills. To solve this, parents can let kids know they can open up, or that therapy is an option if they don’t want to open up to their parents. Kids […]

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Mental Health
Grade 8

Rising Depression

Did you know that almost 50 million Americans have expressed symptoms of depression and other mental illnesses in the past year? This is why schools should hire more counselors and have daily check-ins with all students, even when students don’t show signs of anxiety or other mental illnesses. When I first learned more about depression, […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 9

Lack of Abortion Rights and Mental Health

Over the past couple of months, our mostly conservative, white, cis-male Supreme Court has chosen to override the Constitutional right to abortion. They left it up to the states to decide on the laws for women and our bodies. The unsafe abortion rates and sexual violence leading to women being forced to carry pregnancies to […]

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Mental Health
Grade 10

Social Media is the Cause of Self-Worth Issues

The toxic beauty standards that social media and society expect from young people between the ages of 12 and 20 negatively affect their self-worth. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, and Facebook need to start taking responsibility by making a change in the negative influence they have on young minds. Secondly, society needs […]

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Grade 8

Teen Suicide Prevention

Imagine yourself as a student or teacher and the principal walks in and says one of your classmates or students has committed suicide. What are the feelings that hit you? Does your stomach drop? Does it feel like there isn’t enough air in the room? Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young […]

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